Your Gonna See A Lot Of This!

We didn't want SHAFTED to be a nice place ... we were kinda bored with easy Minecraft, so we made SHAFTED rather challenging! But we did think it would be only fair to give you some prep for this place. That said, here are some of the things to know when getting started!

When you start off at Spawn (which is an English clipper ship) you will notice you have a water bottle. You will need that to refresh you thirst from time to time, so keep it filled as you use it, and watch your thirst bar at the top center of your screen.


Well thirst isn't too bad BUT now we have DISEASE! OOoooo this can be very unpleasant, with a bunch of strange illnesses that will make you woosy and sick.

When I started it made me so ill I actually could not play! So if you get sick or think your sick DO /health to see what your status is. You'll see something like this:

If you have a disease it will say which one you have under diagnosis ... and then you must take the appropriate remedy for it. You can click on the diagnosis in chat and learn what kind you have and how to brew (really not brewed but assembled in craft table) the cure.

When you start off at the Spawn Boat there is a dock just off the nose of the ship where you can find some temporary cure potions that will give you some time to make remedies. It's hard to work when your sick!

To see a list of all 13 diseases you can get,
Do /disease list
You can click one in chat to get more info on that disease.


The supplies you need to make ALL these are: paper from reeds, white wool, a sheep shear tool, sticks for leg splints, Dead Bush harvested with sheep shear, ink, coal, Grass seeds, eggs, bones, clay, sugar, gunpowder, wheat, yellow flower, string, glowstone dust, and waterbottles (filled).

1) FleshWound: You can get this by using a bare hand rather than a tool when cutting trees and other work (use only tools). Remedy: A bandage which is made in a crafting table, with white wool surrounded by paper.

2) ArrowWound: When you get shot by a skele sometimes the arrow gets stuck in you making this wound. Remedy: Use a Sheep Shears and right click while holding and the arrow will drop out.

3) Choking: NOTE: we have disabled this because it requires another to slap your back and there may be no one around.

4) BrokenLeg: If you jump from a height you may break your leg. This will cause slowness and the remedy is a leg splint which is made in a crafting bench by putting 6 sticks into two rows vertically like this:

You should keep these handy, as this is very common.

5) OpenWound: Caused by sword damage. Remedy: A bandage which is made in a crafting table, with white wool surrounded by paper.

6) Plague: From contact with Zombies (Very contagious). Remedy: BitterWort made with Dead Bush, Ink, Coal and a waterbottle (filled) in a crafting table. You harvest the Dead Bush with a sheep shear.

7) Pox: From contact with animals (contagious) Remedy: Sweetbrine made with Grass seeds, egg, ink and a waterbottle in crafting table.

8) Rabies: From being bitten by wild dogs (wolves) with Rabies. Remedy: LycanPotion made with wheat, dead bush, bone and a waterbottle.

9) SwampFever: You get it by swimming through swamps with a FleshWound. Remedy: BlackBrew made with Ink, Coal, Clay and a waterbottle.

10) Pneumonia: From extended periods in Icy Climates. Remedy: WarmingGel made by cooking Magma creme in a furnace.

11) YellowFever: Bitten by Insect in Jungle: Remedy: SweetWort made with gunpowder, egg, sugar and a waterbottle.

12) WhoopingCough: Cause by Dry Desert conditions. Remedy: SmoothWater made with sugar, clay, glowstone dust and a waterbottle.

13) Cholera: Contracted by drinking unclean water. Remedy: BrightWater made with egg, a yellow flower, string and a waterbottle.

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I'll be posting more soon but if you need help just email me at:

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